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Dr. Ziran and Dr. Matta
X-ray anterior approach total hip
About Dr. Ziran


Dr. Navid Ziran is a board-certified orthopaedic trauma surgeon who specializes in complex fracture surgery (broken bones of the arms and legs), pelvic/acetabular trauma (fractures of the pelvis and hip joint), and anterior approach (AA) total hip replacement.  He was trained by and works with Dr. Joel M. Matta, one of the world's foremost pelvic and acetabular surgeon pioneers and the innovator of AA total hip replacement.   

He has written numerous book chapters with Dr. Matta (see RESEARCH section) on both AA total hip replacements and pelvic/acetabular trauma.  For a full list of publications, please click HERE. Dr. Ziran was voted a Super Doctor in Los Angeles Magazine for 2016, 2017, and 2018.  


Dr. Ziran educates and empowers the patient so they can make their own informed decision about their care. In some cases, surgery is not always what is best for the patient; and, in difficult situations, informed patients and families usually make the best choice.  Lastly, he also believes in the added value of Eastern medicine when combined with Western technology. 


Dr. Ziran is also co-founder of Satori Orthopaedics, Inc. along with Dr. Matta and Dr. Varcadipane.  He has invented and patented a novel implant designed to accelerate fracture healing which is currently pending FDA 510(k) testing.


Hip and Pelvis Reconstruction, Saint John’s Health Center, Santa Monica, CA


Orthopaedic Trauma, Denver Health Medical Center/University of Colorado, Denver, CO


AO/ASIF Orthopaedic Trauma, Fundacion de Santa Fé, Bogotá, Colombia



Pre-doctoral intramural research training award (IRTA) fellow, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), NIH, Bethesda, MD


Summer IRTA fellow, National Institute of Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), NIH, Bethesda, MD


Post-doctoral IRTA fellow, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), NIH, Bethesda, MD



University of Rochester, Rochester, NY



Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, OH



Duke University, Durham, NC

Summa cum laude



Fellow, American College of Surgeons (ACS)

Fellow, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery (AAOS)

Fellow, Anterior Hip Foundation (AHF)

Active Member, Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA)

Faculty, AO North America

Member, Arizona Orthopaedic Society

Navid Ziran


Recent research published and ongoing:


1) A large outcomes-oriented study of Dr. Matta's cohort of patients who have underwent a periacetabular (PAO) osteotomy for acetabular dysplasia.  This survivorship study was one of the largest PAO survivorship studies in the world, and the results were presented at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons national meeting in San Diego in 2017.  This study was accepted for publication in the Journal of America Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and can be found HERE.  Drs. Matta and Ziran also published a PAO technique article which was published in the Techniques in Orthopedics journal and can be accessed HERE.


2) Dr. Ziran has written 3 book chapters on anterior approach total hip arthroplasty with Dr. Matta - the innovator of anterior approach THA.  He also has published a revision anterior approach technique with Dr. Matta that can be accessed HERE.


3) Dr. Ziran and Dr. Matta published a review of outcomes after surgical fixation of acetabular fracture that can be access HERE.


4) Dr. Ziran is currently investigating real-time bio-electric parameters of human bone and just published one of the first studies to examine voltage and resistance in live, human bone.  This publication will be published in the Journal of Bioelectricity and can be found here.   The information learned from this initial pilot program will lead to an improved study design for our second pilot study so that we can obtain more accurate mV and resistance values of live, human bone.    




Dr. Ziran is in-network with most providers in Arizona. 


To contact Dr. Ziran, please email


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© 2024 by Navid Ziran, M.D.  

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