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Remick SC, Patnaik M, Ziran NM, Liegmann KR, Dong J, Dowlati A, Yao Y, Abdul-Karim FW, Giam C.  Human herpesvirus-8 associated disseminated angiosarcoma in an HIV-seronegative woman: report of a case and limited case-control virologic study in vascular tumors.  Am J Med. 2000 June 1; 108(8): 660-664.


Ziran NM, Hill S, Wright M, Kovacs J, Robey PG, Weintroub S, Collins MT.  Ribbing disease:  radiographic and biochemical characterization, lack of response to pamidronate.  Skeletal Radiology. 2002 August 21; 31: 714-719.


Zhang X, Ziran NM, Goater JJ, Schwarz EM, Puzas JE, Rosier RN, Zuscik M, Drissi H, and O’Keefe RJ.  Primary murine limb bud mesenchymal cells in long-term culture complete chondrocyte differentiation: TGF-β delays hypertrophy and PGE2 inhibits terminal differentiation. Bone. 2004; (34): 809-817.


Kuznetsov SA, Riminucci M, Ziran NM, Tsutsui TW, Corsi A, Calvi L, Kronenberg HM, Schipani E, Robey PG, Bianco P.  The interplay of osteogenesis and hematopoiesis: expression of a constitutively active PTH/PTHrP receptor in osteogenic cells perturbs the establishment of hematopoiesis in bone and of skeletal stem cells in the bone marrow.  J Cell Biol. 2004 Dec 20; 167(6): 1113-22.


Hart ES, Kelly MH, Brillante B, Chen CC, Ziran NM, Lee JS, Feuillan P, Leet AI, Kushner H, Robey PG, Collins MT.  Onset, progression, and plateau of skeletal lesions in fibrous dysplasia and the relationship to functional outcome.  Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 2007 Sep; 22(9): 1468-74.


Kuznetsov SA, Gronthos, Ziran NM, Leet A, Robey PG. Circulating connective tissue precursors: extreme rarity in humans and chondrogenic potential in guinea pig.  Stem Cells. 2007 Jul; 25(7): 1830-9. Epub 2007 Apr 26


Clark CA, Schwarz EM, Zhang X, Ziran NM, Drissi H, O’Keefe RJ, Zuscik MJ.  Differential regulation of EP receptor isoforms during chondrogenesis and chondrocyte maturation.  Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2005 Mar 18; 328(3): 746-76.


Oakley MJ, Smith WR, Morgan SJ, Ziran NM, Ziran BH.  Repetitive posterior iliac crest autograft harvest resulting in an unstable pelvic fracture and infected non-union: case report and review of the literature.  Patient Safety in Surgery. 2007 Dec; 1:6.


Ziran NM and Smith WR. Case report: femoral artery thrombosis after open reduction internal fixation of a transverse acetabular fracture in a patient with osteogenesis imperfecta type I.  Patient Safety in Surgery. 2008 Jan; 2:1.


Ziran NM.  Associated lateral process and posteromedial tubercle talus fractures: a case report and literature review.  Am J Orthop. 2011; 40(4): 179-182.


Ziran NM, Sherif SM, Matta JM.  Safe surgical technique: Iliac osteotomy via the anterior approach for revision hip arthroplasty.   Patient Safety in Surgery.  2014 Sept; 8:32.


Ziran NM and Smith WR.  Reconstruction of critical-sized long bone defects using a fascial autograft and reamer-irrigator-aspirator autologous bone graft.  Patient Safety in Surgery.  2014 Oct; 8:40.


Collinge C, Ziran NM, Koons DA.  Anatomical Relationship Between the Superior Gluteal Vessels and Nerve At the Greater Sciatic Notch: Implications For Controlling Hemorrhage During Acetabular Fracture Surgery.  Orthopaedics. 2015 Oct; 38(10): e929-33.


Barnett SL, Peters DJ, Hamilton W, Ziran NM, Gorab RS, Matta JM.  Is the Anterior Approach Safe?  Early Complication Rate Associated with 5090 Consecutive Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty Procedures Performed Using the Anterior Approach.  J Arthroplasty. 2015 Jul 11. S0883-5403(15)00607-5. doi: 10.1016/j.arth.2015.07.008. 


Ziran NM, Awad T, Matta JM.  Periacetabular Osteotomy Surgical Technique.  Techniques in Orthopaedics. December 2016. 31(4): 251-260.

Ziran N, Varcadipane JC, Kadri O, Ussef N, Kanim L, Foster A, Matta JM.  Two to twenty-year survivorship and clinical outcomes of patients treated with a periacetabular osteotomy for acetabular dysplasia.   J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2018 Nov 14. [Epub ahead of print]


Ziran NM, Soles GS, Matta JM.  Outcomes after surgical fixation of acetabular fractures: a review.  Patient Safety in Surgery.  2019 Mar; 13:16

Ziran N, McCarty CP, Ho NC, Gilmartin NF, Ebramzadeh E, Park SH, Sangiorgio SN.  A Novel Intramedullary Nail to Control Interfragmentary Motion in Diaphyseal Tibial Fractures.  J Orthop Res. 2022 May; 40(5).


Ziran N, Collinge CA, Smith W, Matta JM. Trans-sacral screw fixation of posterior pelvic ring injuries: review and expert opinion. Patient Saf Surg 16, 24 (2022). 

Ziran N and Attias N.  In vivo measurement of voltage and resistance in fractured human bone: a pilot study.  J Bioelectricity.  19 Jul 2023.  E-pub ahead of print:


Stahel, P.F., Weckbach, S., Ziran, N. et al. Patient Safety in Surgery – announcing the journal’s first impact factor (3.7). Patient Saf Surg 17, 22 (2023).

Moreau PE., Upex P., Mahieu A., Ziran N, Riouallon G.  Minimally invasive femoral head fracture fixation using three-dimensional navigation: a technical note. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol (2024).


Stahel, P.F., Ziran, N. The pathophysiology of pelvic ring injuries: a review. Patient Saf Surg 18, 16 (2024).




Ziran BH, Talboo, N, Ziran NM.  Antegrade nailing of the femur.  Operative techniques in orthopaedic surgery.  Editor Sam W. Wiesel. Lippincott, William, and Wilkins. September 2010.


Ziran BH and Ziran NM.  Humeral shaft fractures: open reduction and internal fixation.  Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: Fractures, 3rd edition.  Editor Don Wiss.


Ziran NM and Smith WR. Management of specific injuries: Pelvic fractures. Management of Musculoskeletal Injuries in the Trauma Patient. Editors Wade R. Smith and Philip F. Stahel.


Ziran NM and Matta JM.  Anterior approach total hip arthroplasty with an orthopaedic table.  Minimally Invasive Surgery in Orthopedics, 2nd ed.  Editors Giles R. Scuderi and Alfred J. Tria.  SpringerLink.


Ziran NM and Smith WR.  Principles of External Fixation.  Encyclopedia of Trauma Care.  Editors Peter John Papadakos and Mark Gestring.  SpringerLink.  pp. 1308-1321.  http://doi/org/10.1007/978-3-642-29613-0_566


Ziran NM and Matta JM. Anterior Approach with a Special Table.  The Adult Hip:  Arthroplasty and Its Alternatives and Hip Preservation, 3rd Edition. Editors John Callaghan, Paul Beaule, John C. Clohisy, Craig J. Della Valle, Harry E. Rubash.  Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health.  2016.


Ziran NM and Ziran BH.  Antegrade Intramedullary Nailing of the Femur.  Operative techniques in orthopaedic surgery, 2nd edition.  Editor Sam W. Wiesel. Lippincott, William, and Wilkins.  August 2015: pp-682-698.


Ziran NM and Matta JM.  Primary THA using the Hana® table.  The Direct Anterior Approach to Hip Reconstruction.  Editors B. Sonny Bal, Lee E. Rubin, Kristaps Keggi.   Slack, Inc. 2016.  pp. 39-67.


Ziran N, Irgit KS, Weinberg J, Samimi B, Smith WR. Musculoskeletal Trauma Surgery.   Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Orthopaedics, 6th edition. Editors Patrick J. McMahon, Harry B. Skinner.  McGraw-Hill, New York, New York. May 2021: pp 19-101.




Ziran NM, Patnaik M, Liegmann KR, Chandran B, Yao Y, Giam C, Dowlati A, Abdul-Karim FW, Remick SC.  HHV-8 related disseminated angiosarcoma in an HIV-seronegative woman: report of a case and limited case-control virologic study in vascular tumors. J Acqui Immune Defic Syndromes. 1999 May 1; 21(1): A16.  Third Annual NIH AIDS Malignancy Conference, Bethesda, Maryland, 1999.


Bianco P, Kuznetsov SA, Ziran NM, Calvi L, Kronenberg HM, Robey PG, Schipani E. Signaling via the PTH/PTHrP receptor negatively regulates the formation of hematopoietic marrow.  International Bone and Mineral Society/European Connective Tissue Society.  Madrid, Spain, June 2001.


Collins MT, Ziran NM, Pautler SE, Merino M, Shawker T, Feuillan P, Riminucci M, Bianco P, Jones J, Booher S, Chernoff AM, Leach F, Linehan WM, Robey PG.  Characterization of gonadal pathology in males with McCune-Albright Syndrome.  Endocrinology meeting, Denver, Colorado, 2001.


Lee J, Ziran NM, Chen C, Leet AI, Weintroub S, Robey PG, Collins MT. Onset of fibrous dysplastic lesions is related to the skeletal site of involvement.  American Society of Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR). San Antonio, Texas, September 2002.


Leet AI, Lee JS, Ziran NM, Shi S, Kuznetsov SA, Robey PG.  Colony forming efficiency of circulating skeletal stem cells (CSSCs) and colony forming units-fibroblasts (CFU-F) during fracture and repair.  American Society of Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR). San Antonio, Texas, September 2002.


Clark CA, Zhang Z, Ziran NM, Zuscik MJ, Schwarz EM, Puzas JE, Rosier RN, Drissi HM, O’Keefe RJ.  PGE2 regulates chondrocyte maturation in murine mesenchymal stem cells.  ORS meeting, San Francisco, California, February 2004.


Ziran NM, Mitten DJ, Pianta TJ, Clark CA, Zuscik MJ, Rosier RN, O’Keefe RJ.  PGE2 inhibits osteoblastic terminal maturation and adipocytic differentiation in human adipose tissue-derived stromal cells.  Poster presentation at the Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) meeting. Washington DC, February 2005.


Ziran NM, Coons DA, Collinge CA.  Anatomical Relationship Between the Superior Gluteal Vessels and Nerve at the Greater Sciatic Notch:  Implications for Controlling Hemorrhage During Surgery.  Orthopaedic Trauma Assocation Poster #85, October, 2013.


Ziran NM, Varcadipane JC, Awad T, Matta JM.  Twenty-eight year hip survivorship and outcomes of patients treated with a periacetabular osteotomy for acetabular dysplasia.  Podium presentation at the 2nd Annual Pan-Pacific Orthopaedic Congress, Hawaii, July 2015.


Ziran NM, Varcadipane JC, Kadri O, Matta JM.  Twenty-eight year hip survivorship and outcomes of patients treated with a periacetabular osteotomy for acetabular dysplasia.  Presented at Mid-America Orthopaedic Association, Bonita Springs, Florida, April 2016.


Ziran NM, Varcadipane JC, Ussef N, Kadri O, Ebramazadeh E, Kanim L, Shahin J and Matta JM.  Two to twenty-seven year hip survivorship and outcomes of patients treated with a periacetabular osteotomy for acetabular dysplasia.  Podium presentation at AAOS, San Diego, California, March, 2017.

Ziran N, McCarty N, Ho N, Gilmartin N, Ebramzadeh E, Park SH, Sangiorgio S. A novel intramedullary nail to Control Interfragmentary Motion in Diaphyseal Tibial Fractures.  Poster presentation at Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS), Phoenix, Arizona, February 2020.

© 2024 by Navid Ziran, M.D.  

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